Saturday, October 6, 2007


Both Mom and Dad were very tired so we decided to spend the morning here. We had camped near a small lake, so Santa couldn’t wait to get out his fishing poles and gear. We had a quick breakfast and walked over to the lake.

Santa got Mom all set up and told her to cast off a little pier. Then Santa took his fishing pole and went over by some weeds and started to cast there. All the while I was watching Dad choose just the right pole, just the right bait, etc. I thought it sure was a lot of work to just catch a fish. I figured that if they really wanted a fish that bad that I would go into the lake and just get one for them. I started for the lake and they both yelled at me NOT to go in. Well, why not? Sometimes they are just plain weird.

So they both “fished” for a couple of hours, now do you think they caught anything? Of course not! They just kept changing places and casting over and over for nothing. AND people can’t understand dog behavior?

Anyway, we did a little exploring and found out that a Civil War squirmish was fought here. Apparently, it was a rather small unexpected meeting and no one was killed or injured so that was a good thing.

Mom really likes history so she is very excited to be in this part of the country. By the way, I think I forgot to mention it, but it has not rained once since we left Arizona. Each day has been sunny and nice.

This afternoon, we traveled onto Alabama, not far from the border of Georgia. Tomorrow we hope to make it to North Carolina.

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