Tuesday, October 23, 2007


We left Alabama this morning and headed into Georgia. Santa thought that we had left in plenty of time to miss the traffic around Atlanta. We took the outer loop to avoid downtown, but there was still quite a bit of traffic. I must admit that Dad did a great job maneuvering this big monster. In fact we expect much more traffic now that we are heading into the east coast.

Even though, Mom does not admit it, I don’t think she likes traveling in this coach any more than I do. However, the weather has continued to be sunny and fairly warm. But we suspect that North Carolina will be much cooler.

We are finally nearing the end of the I20. We took this route almost from beginning to end. We picked it up in Texas and have been on this for the last 5 days. Actually, it has been a rather nice route, but we finally had to leave it to pick up I85 to go north into South Carolina.

I don’t enjoy the long travel days as I can’t really relax and sleep like I am used to doing. However, we all liked the Welcome Center in South Carolina. We stopped for lunch there and it was situated alongside the river. It was so beautiful we decided to eat outside so we could really enjoy the scenery. I finally got a chance to run around and dip my paw in the river. I SO hated to leave and get in the shake, rattle and roll bus again!

Anyway, we headed toward High Point, NC to see a couple more of Santa’s friends. They took us to a really nice park where were able to park in front of a small lake. It is a bit cooler, but great for me. There is plenty of space to run and tomorrow we get to stay put. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Both Mom and Dad were very tired so we decided to spend the morning here. We had camped near a small lake, so Santa couldn’t wait to get out his fishing poles and gear. We had a quick breakfast and walked over to the lake.

Santa got Mom all set up and told her to cast off a little pier. Then Santa took his fishing pole and went over by some weeds and started to cast there. All the while I was watching Dad choose just the right pole, just the right bait, etc. I thought it sure was a lot of work to just catch a fish. I figured that if they really wanted a fish that bad that I would go into the lake and just get one for them. I started for the lake and they both yelled at me NOT to go in. Well, why not? Sometimes they are just plain weird.

So they both “fished” for a couple of hours, now do you think they caught anything? Of course not! They just kept changing places and casting over and over for nothing. AND people can’t understand dog behavior?

Anyway, we did a little exploring and found out that a Civil War squirmish was fought here. Apparently, it was a rather small unexpected meeting and no one was killed or injured so that was a good thing.

Mom really likes history so she is very excited to be in this part of the country. By the way, I think I forgot to mention it, but it has not rained once since we left Arizona. Each day has been sunny and nice.

This afternoon, we traveled onto Alabama, not far from the border of Georgia. Tomorrow we hope to make it to North Carolina.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We had a great time in Dallas, but we are ready to continue our journey east. I think I forgot to mention that once we got just outside of Dallas, the terrain changed from sagebrush and wide open space with few if any homes to rolling hills, trees and populated areas. In fact I thought that east Texas was quite beautiful. I wish we had more time to explore this area.

After 3 days of driving we finally crossed Texas and entered Louisiana! Whew, I think that took it out of Dad. Mom could drive the coach but she didn’t want to, it was way too big for her. In fact, I think it kind of scared her. You’d think that after flying in the sleigh that nothing would bother her, but I sensed she was never very comfortable. Of course, as you know, I hated it! It made much too much noise for me.

Anyway, we continued on the I20 east and crossed Louisiana. The northern part of this state has gently rolling hills and is quite wooded. But it also looked like there was a lot of water in those woods. I think that in the summer there would be lots of bugs! Coming from the North Pole, we don’t have many bugs, but I don’t know as if I would like them.

The closer were got to this river the more excited Santa and Mom became. Santa said we were about to cross the mighty Mississippi River! He told us all about how he used this long river to help navigate across the United States. He said that this was the second longest river in North America with a length of over 2300 miles. It sure looked big to me!

When we crossed the river we were arrived in the state of Mississippi. We found a nice quiet campsite by a ferry. There was a Civil War battle that took place here so there will be a lot to explore tomorrow. This was a very long day, so we are all exhausted and just want to sleep. More to come.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


We woke up to a beautiful day and I am so excited to meet the Santa’s in a few hours. Mom and Dad are busy cleaning the coach. It’s a good thing they don’t expect me to do that kind of work.

Dad said that there are quite a few Santa ambassadors in this area. In fact one is a brand new Santa. I always enjoy meeting those men as they are so excited and a little bit afraid that they won’t be able to be a good santa.

There were four Santa’s that came to visit. Two had been Santa for quite a while and the other two were newbie’s. I thought they all looked good and seemed to be very friendly and kind. Believe it or not, some of the men who put on the red suit are really not very nice. But these gentlemen were great. I know Dad was really pleased!

I love to listen to all their stories and hear them laughing. One of the men brought his wife. They were both new to wearing the red. In fact, his wife did not want to be Mrs. Claus yet so she was playing an elf. Mom reassured her to take her time and not force it, that the most important part was to be herself.

When everybody left Dad was very anxious to watch this game on TV. He said it was some kind of a super bowl. Well I didn’t see any kind of a bowl super or otherwise. It looked to me like a bunch of guys running around a field chasing and grabbing this ball.

I thought it was BORING!!!! Now why don’t they show something really interesting like sled dog racing? Now that is exciting stuff!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I thought we would never get here! When Santa said Texas is huge he was not kidding. We traveled up the I20 into Dallas/Fort Worth and it seemed to take forever.

Mom and Dad had music playing and they were talking and laughing, but I have to tell you I was kind of bored. I know that some people think this area is very beautiful and it does have a rugged kind of beauty. But I miss the green of the trees and the northern lights.

Dad decided to try out their new crock pot and put in a corned beef just before we left. They heard that if you put the crock pot in the sink it would not slide around. I guess you could say that it was a big success because that is ALL I’VE BEEN SMELLING FOR HOURS. WHAT KIND OF TORTURE IS THIS?

Have you ever been on the I20 in Texas? Because I have a question – often times there is a road that runs parallel to the highway. I did not see any roads that branched off this, it just was there and then all of sudden it just ended. Do you know why those roads are there? It seemed to me like the road started no where and ended no where. I just could not figure it out.

Well, we finally got to our campground outside of Dallas near the airport. Boy is it crowed. I sure hope I can meet some friends here. Dad said that tomorrow several Santa’s are going to visit us.

But what I really want is some corned beef!!!!!!!!!!! Come on Mom and Dad Feed ME NOW!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We entered Texas by way of El Paso on the 10 freeway. It was quite hilly and just across the El Paso River was Mexico! I haven’t been there before but Santa said that he really tries to help the children who live there. So many are very poor and never really get a nice Christmas. Even I noticed the difference in housing between the United States and Mexico.

It didn’t seem to me that we had driven very far and all of sudden we seemed to be all along in this vast landscape. Mom told Santa that we had better decide where to camp as there were very few places to stop before we reached the Midlands area.

After several hours we pulled into a very nice campground in Van Horn. Boy, the campsite managers sure were pleased to see Santa and Mrs. Claus! Then when Mom came to get me they couldn’t believe it and said we had to be the real ones. They were so excited that they ran to get their camera and take pictures so they could show their grandchildren.

We were still in the mountains at over 4000 ft elevation. I was introduced to my first desert hare! I got to chase it for a little while as I saw it before Mom and Dad. However, it ran under the fence and out of my reach. Well at least I had a little fun. It was quite beautiful here and you could see for miles! Even though it was early in the year the sun seemed to take forever to set.

When it was finally dark and we could look up into the night sky we were rewarded with seeing millions of stars and the Milky Way. It was almost as clear as the North Pole!

Well tomorrow we are off to Dallas to see some more Santa’s. I can’t wait!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Upon leaving the Phoenix area we headed south toward Tucson and into New Mexico. The scenery was quite beautiful and lots of rolling hills. We were over 4000 ft in elevation but it did not seem that way.

We spent the night in a little campsite just over the border in New Mexico. At night I could heard my brethren the coyotes “yip, yip, yipping”. I’ve seen them before but I must admit that I really have no desire to join them. Even I can acknowledge I am quite spoiled living with Santa and Mom.

Oh, did I tell you Mom had to resort to using rubber bands to keep the drawers from sliding in and out? It seems to work fairly well, but in my opinion this is one noisy sleigh! Of course the elves did not build this so the workmanship was not up to what we are used to. I know Mom and Santa were very disappointed that there were no catches in the drawers and cupboards to stop them from opening.

Not very many people live in this area so the little towns are spread out and mostly you just see the scenery. I must confess it is rather refreshing after the hustle and bustle of Southern California, where everyone lives so close and there are so many people.

Soon we are going to cross into the great state of Texas. Dad said it will take a couple of days to drive through Texas. Can you imagine!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Wow, the desert is certainly VERY different from the North Pole and the kind of weather I’m used to. Good thing we are visiting this area in the winter. My coat would be much too hot for this desert heat.

I really liked to look at the saguaro cactus. They are especially cool and Santa said some of them are a couple of hundred years old. I like the roadrunners too, in fact, I wouldn’t mind chasing them. You know, I’m a pretty fast runner myself. But Mom wouldn’t let me. Gee, how is a snow dog going to have any fun?

We stayed in a place that had lots of campers that are called “snowbirds”. Mom said that many people who live in the Northern states spend the winter down south. Well I sure don’t understand that. Who wouldn’t want to spend time playing in the snow? Anyway, this place also had some little small houses all surrounding a golf course.

I guess it looked Ok, but there was hardly any grass and then the management did not want me to walk on it! Why would you plant grass and then tell me I can’t walk on it? I don’t understand that, boy humans sure have odd rules.

We got to visit one of Mom and Dad’s very close friends, Fred and Chery. I certainly liked them too they are so nice and I know they thought I was beautiful. Fred is a professional photographer and I told him that I would be glad to do a photo shoot anytime he wants. Chery is a professional singer and has a beautiful voice. We could only stay for one night but I hope we see them again soon.

We are heading south on the I10 now going toward New Mexico. I wonder what is there?

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Carrow Chekitwice, who is the Supreme Toy Maker in the North Pole, was the one that suggested to Santa and Mrs. Claus that they get this motorcoach. Both he and Santa felt that it was important to see more children throughout the year and not just at December. Santa has to use many helpers or ambassadors to represent him now because there are so many children and he can’t possibly see everyone. I know his real passion is to meet and talk with children so this idea really appealed to him.

We had been staying in several campsites in Southern California, I guess that Mom and Dad were getting used to the coach. This is something I was NOT getting used to. I kind of suspected something was up, as there was a lot of activity, certainly more than usual. Mom and Dad were stocking up on everything. Then, I overheard Santa and Mom discussing traveling to New York City!!!!

Well one fine rainy morning we headed out, traveling down the 5 freeway heading toward the 8 to cross over the mountains and into Arizona. Let me mention again that I hate to travel in this contraption! It makes too much noise and something always seems to be rattling. In fact, every time we went around a curve the drawers would start to slam open and shut. Poor Mom had to get up all the time to close them and just wait for the next curve to repeat the process all over again.

Now, my dad, Santa, is a great driver in the sleigh. I know because he has let me ride with him on several occasions. But I have to tell you I was a little scared going over those mountains in that huge bus! This coach is certainly a reindeer of a different color!

Shake, rattle and roll – we were on our way!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tasha sounds the airhorn!

When I rode with Dad in his sleigh I could always see outside and more importantly everyone could see me and admire me. I can’t tell you the number of times people would pull up beside us and tell my parents what a beautiful dog they had. I always gave them my best profile.

Anyway, in the motorcoach no one could really see me. I would sit on the sofa, but the windows were tinted and hard to see through. So when Santa and Mom were gone I sat in the driver’s seat. Wow what a view! Now this is what I’m talking about. I could see everything and more importantly people could see me as well.

One time while my parents were checking into an RV park, I accidentally put my paw on the air horn. Jeez, did that make a loud noise! I liked it so much; I decided to do it a few more times. Everyone was running out of the office looking at me. I thought it was very cool, but Mom and Dad weren’t as pleased. They told me not to do it anymore. Sometimes they don’t share my idea of what is fun.

Would you like to share a funny story with me?

Monday, June 25, 2007

San Clemente State Park

Hi there, well ready for another story?

For about a month we just traveled around to different campgrounds in Southern California. My favorite was the San Clemente State Park on the ocean. Santa and Mom said the views were really wonderful but I don’t pay much attention to that, although, I do enjoy nosing around new areas – all those great smells!

Santa wrote a book for kids and each night both he and mom would do a book reading; most of the time at least a dozen kids would come over for story time. Did I mention how much I love kids? I think I love kids much better than other dogs. They always fuss over me and pet me.

I know my Dad likes to think that they came over to just visit him, but secretly I think they came to see his snow dog instead. Anyway, that was my favorite part of each stop.

Do you have a favorite stop you would like to share with me?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dog Travels with Tasha Santa's Snow Dog

Travels with Tasha Santa's Snow Dog

Let me introduce myself, my name is Tasha and I am eight. Some people refer to me as The Princess, I guess it’s because people are always stopping my Mom & Dad and telling them how beautiful I am. Did I mention I am a caramel and white Siberian Husky?

I can’t help it…it is the truth, I am beautiful. Often times I even upstage Dad. Maybe you have heard of him, Santa Claus? He always thinks it is all about him. Now REALLY!

Anyway, this is my story of travels with Santa and Mrs. Claus. We sure have covered a lot of country together and our travels are anything but dull. Now I know that historically Siberians are known for being nomads. Personally, I cannot understand how anyone would like to leave a perfectly good spot for another. But my parents seem to be everywhere but the North Pole.

For instance, Dad decided to trade in his perfectly good sleigh for a 40’ Diesel Pusher Motorcoach! The first time Mom drove this beast she did not secure the cupboards and things were flying everywhere. And the noise and vibration! Why I was so scared I tried to climb into her lap and I never do that! Then if that was not enough, when we finally came to a stop the walls of this thing moved out. Jeez! I really yelled at them and tried to tell them this was a deathtrap, but did they listen? Of course not - because I’m just their dog.

At first, I thought it wasn’t so bad. Inside there was a sofa that Mom pulled out for me so that I could sleep on it. But the really cool thing was to crawl under it and curl up in the corner. The first time I did this my parents couldn’t find me. They kept calling and looking for me. Santa asked mom “How could she just disappear?” Finally, they looked under the sofa and found me. I know, I know I should have told them where I was, but that would have ruined my fun.

Anyway, we stayed in this cool park for a couple of days and I thought that maybe this motorcoach living was not so bad after all. Then they started packing up again. Well, I decided to help out by going to the bedroom and sleeping on the bed. All of a sudden Mom pushed this button and those walls started to close in! This was worse then opening up. I thought we were going to be crushed to death. Then Mom started the engine and we were off again. She had secured the cupboards better, but boy is this thing noisy! I stayed glued to Dad’s legs and next to the door for a quick exit. I hate this thing!

I have many more stories about RV’ing but before I go on, do you have any stories about camping or traveling with your parents that you would like to share? I sure would like to hear from you.