Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We entered Texas by way of El Paso on the 10 freeway. It was quite hilly and just across the El Paso River was Mexico! I haven’t been there before but Santa said that he really tries to help the children who live there. So many are very poor and never really get a nice Christmas. Even I noticed the difference in housing between the United States and Mexico.

It didn’t seem to me that we had driven very far and all of sudden we seemed to be all along in this vast landscape. Mom told Santa that we had better decide where to camp as there were very few places to stop before we reached the Midlands area.

After several hours we pulled into a very nice campground in Van Horn. Boy, the campsite managers sure were pleased to see Santa and Mrs. Claus! Then when Mom came to get me they couldn’t believe it and said we had to be the real ones. They were so excited that they ran to get their camera and take pictures so they could show their grandchildren.

We were still in the mountains at over 4000 ft elevation. I was introduced to my first desert hare! I got to chase it for a little while as I saw it before Mom and Dad. However, it ran under the fence and out of my reach. Well at least I had a little fun. It was quite beautiful here and you could see for miles! Even though it was early in the year the sun seemed to take forever to set.

When it was finally dark and we could look up into the night sky we were rewarded with seeing millions of stars and the Milky Way. It was almost as clear as the North Pole!

Well tomorrow we are off to Dallas to see some more Santa’s. I can’t wait!

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