Sunday, August 12, 2007


Upon leaving the Phoenix area we headed south toward Tucson and into New Mexico. The scenery was quite beautiful and lots of rolling hills. We were over 4000 ft in elevation but it did not seem that way.

We spent the night in a little campsite just over the border in New Mexico. At night I could heard my brethren the coyotes “yip, yip, yipping”. I’ve seen them before but I must admit that I really have no desire to join them. Even I can acknowledge I am quite spoiled living with Santa and Mom.

Oh, did I tell you Mom had to resort to using rubber bands to keep the drawers from sliding in and out? It seems to work fairly well, but in my opinion this is one noisy sleigh! Of course the elves did not build this so the workmanship was not up to what we are used to. I know Mom and Santa were very disappointed that there were no catches in the drawers and cupboards to stop them from opening.

Not very many people live in this area so the little towns are spread out and mostly you just see the scenery. I must confess it is rather refreshing after the hustle and bustle of Southern California, where everyone lives so close and there are so many people.

Soon we are going to cross into the great state of Texas. Dad said it will take a couple of days to drive through Texas. Can you imagine!!!

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